Major 4.0 Release – Now you can Circle Damage Directly on the App!

In our most recent Android release, 4.0, you can now add damage directly to the app!

Upgrade your Android version, to be sure you have the latest version of the app.

The new version adds a brief, additional step between each photo or movie that you take. If there is no new damage, click “Next”.

If you see damage, click โ€œCIRCLE DAMAGEโ€ or Double tap on damage location. A red circle will appear. Use your finger to move the red circle to where the damage appears.

If you are unsure if damage is new, click “Show Existing Damages” to show previous damages. They will appear in YELLOW. This allows you to tell the difference between old and new damage!

Here’s a short video (less than 1 minute).

Choose “damage type” and add comments directly to the damage.

Once photos are uploaded to the Review Portal, you will see the same damage flagged in the Case List.

Once photos are uploaded to the Review Portal, you will see the same damage flagged there in the case list.

Once inside the case, the red flag will identify the position where damage was found.

In addition, the circles, comments and damage type will be found in the Case.

The damage circle can be further edited, moved, deleted etc within the Review Portal.

The damage found either in app or in Review Portal is available in the Damage Report, giving you visibility across your entire fleet!

Download your entire list of damages to Excel within the Damage Report.

The new feature is available in Android 4.0. (This feature is not yet available for IOS/iPhone/iPad).

We hope this great new feature helps you keep your fleet damage-free.

We are thrilled to be launching version 4.0 – a great milestone for our product – and our customers!

DAMAGE iD Automatic Damage Detection Demo

This demonstration was first presented at the 2021 International Car Rental Show in Las Vegas, August 16-17, 2021.

This demonstration shows the capabilities now available with the recent DAMAGE iD, ProofTec Partner(ship) on AI Damage Detection. These capabilities include automatic or AI-based damage detection.

Demo Format

ProofTec integration with DAMAGE iD.

We started the demo wiping the car with a cloth, removing any “damage” or “scratches”.

Next, we asked the audience to mark the damage on the model using a special chalk marker that gave the appearance of a scratch.

Audience member draws a scratch on the model vehicle.

Next, we performed a “walk-around” on the vehicle using the DAMAGE iD mobile application (Android version was used for the demo, but IOS/Apple is supported as well), taking pictures of each position.

To make it easy to take different shots of each position, we used an motorized, rotating “lazy susan” .

We did not manually mark the damage, but instead allowed the auto-detection (artificial intelligence module) to capture the damage automatically.

Within the app we can also circle the damage manually – to show both human and AI capabilities work, hand-in-hand.

The photos are then uploaded to the cloud.

Next, we log into the (web based) Review Portal and search by unit number to view the “Case”. The Case shows before and after photos in a pair.

Red flags show that damage has been found.

The flags appear in the Case List and also on the profile icon.

The following video shows the damage was successfully auto-detected.

Red circles appear, highlighting the damage and damage type.

Damage which is detected by AI is marked “AI Detected” next to the damage type.

Damages are automatically circled and labelled by the software. The “scratch” the customer created was also found, and labeled “AI-detected”.

The following video shows both the app (Android) and Review Portal software in action.

We had great fun in Vegas doing this demo and the feedback was really positive.

If you missed us at Vegas, please email us at for an in-person Zoom version of this demo.

Day 2 (continued), 2021 International Car Rental Show, Las Vegas

These shops were at the bottom of our hotel elevator. This place is wild!
Up for the 7:30 AM breakfast. Food was delicious at the International Car Rental Show. Nice breakfast with coffee, bagels, fruit, yogurt parfait. Chandrahas manning the booth.
More demos with customers. A lot of interest in the new Proof Tec artificial intelligence feature.
More demos at the 12-2:00 session. This was the final session where the expo floor was open.
With some free time, and checked out of the hotel, we went to Old Las Vegas, a funky, quirky town with a massive overhead video screen and 1950’s style buildings.
This guy was amazing. He must have had some mechanical structure hidden in his pants to make it appear he was sitting like that for a long time. Lots of strange characters here, and tons of booze and pot smoke.
Oscars, “Beef, Booze, and Broads”. (I’m not kidding. View the sign close up to see).
The Rat Pack at the Golden Gate Hotel & Casino.
The overhead video covered the entire street. You could rent these acrobatic lines that would rappel you down the entire street.
After the old town we stopped in at Maggiano’s for a quiet drink and to catch up. Everwhere is so noisy, we really needed a break from all the music and sounds.
We met Fernando, I’ve never met him before, but a wonderful guy who I felt I’d known all my life. Friend of Paula and Jack’s from Sixt rental in South America.
Left at 7:30 from the restaurant, and right to airport for this beautiful skyline.
Watching the planes fuel before heading home on the red eye. Got home to Boston at 5:33 AM safe and sound!

Day 1, 2021 International Car Rental Show, Las Vegas

Ready for Take Off at Logan Airport
Landing around 9:30 PM Las Vegas time.
On the way to the hotel. Las Vegas Raiders stadium.
Bellagio Fountain at night.
“Fountain of the Gods” near the hotel elevator.
Chandrahas and Charlie at the booth.
Paula had these embroidered hoodies made for us. No sleeves, hood and big DAMAGE iD at the back.
Entrance of Caesar’s Palace Hotel
Lots of fancy stores. You don’t see a Lamborghini store in your average mall!
The pools are amazing here.
Entrance to the ICRS.
We were able to find a mass in the morning to attend. An beautiful “oasis” from the hedonism all around Las Vegas!
In the hotel room, preparing a rotating car for the AI demo.
Kids be like… “Does your hotel have a pool”.

View of the exposition room before opening

The booth – announcing the Proof Tech AI partnership
Love those hoodies!
Customers are coming non-stop to see the demo. Chandrahas doing demo after demo. Paula in the background.
This pool is AMAZING! Look at how many pools there are. And even though it reached 108 degrees, the water is quite cool and so nice to swim!
Got a few minutes to have a drink by the pool!
More demos and a piano player at the 4-5:30 session. The Car Rental Show offered drinks and delicious appetizers. Wonderful ambiance and great networking too!
Lovely dinner at the Capital Grille on Monday night. Walk back to the hotel. Soooo tired!