CDW insurance is great for your bottom line and for their peace of mind, but it can be a difficult sell.
Envision this scenario:
Jack and Paula were attending the annual International Car Rental Show in Vegas during the Spring of 2018 when they needed to rent a car…
They chose U-Save because Jack wanted to save $$$ for the Casinos. However, since Paula isn’t the gambling, risk-taking type, she DEFINITELY want to avoid the worries of potential damage while renting the car, and purchase the Collision Damage Waiver offered by the rental agent. Jack, on the other hand, IS a risk-taker, and he did NOT want to pay more $$$ for the daily rental by ADDING on the CDW cost.
They had a problem…to buy or NOT to buy the Collision Damage Waiver. Paula reminded Jack that the Insurance following them on their CC does NOT include the $2,000.00 deductible. Also, she noticed that the Agent was using a digital system, DAMAGE iD, when doing the customary “Walk-around” to inspect the car for previous damage and create a condition report.
What would YOU choose? To buy or NOT to buy the CDW??