It’s Time to Get Specific on Identifying Damage … “Annotation” has Launched!

Increase your Company’s Integrity with more Specific DAMAGE markings. We feel your Pain!! For a long time, our customers have asked for the ability to mark and comment on specific damages within DAMAGE iD.

We call this “Annotation”. The ability to circle and comment on specific damages.

On April 10, 2020, we launched this new feature. “Annotation” is now available within the (desktop) Review Portal.

Here’s how it works:

After capturing photos, users visit the Case in Review Portal. Click “Add Damage” to circle damages found during the walk-around. From this point on, those damages are given an id and saved permanently. They can now be referenced in future walk-around (inspections).
Choose from a subset of AIAG Vehicle Damage Codes, then makes any comments on the specifics of the damages.

Going forward, users take photos of the vehicle, performing regular, routine walk-around on the vehicle using the mobile applications (available in Android and IOS). A red button will appear showing the vehicle has existing damages.

To view all damages within your fleet, we’ve created a new “Damage Report” under “Reports”.

The new Reports section, available for Company Admin Role.
In the Damage Report, users can review damage across the entire fleet. Filter by unit number or license plate. Then download the report to get an Excel version, including all details of the damages.

We hope “Annotation” takes our product to an entirely different level.

Please give “Annotation” a try and let us know if it helps you better identify and capture damage. It’s time to Charge the Money You’re due on Minor, Mystery DAMAGE. Never lose $$$ on Damage again!!

As always, reach out to us at with any problems, suggestions or feedback.

It’s Time to Get Specific on Identifying Damage … “Annotation” has Launched!

Increase your Company’s Integrity with more Specific DAMAGE markings. We feel your Pain!! For a long time, our customers have asked for the ability to mark and comment on specific damages within DAMAGE iD.

We call this “Annotation”. The ability to circle and comment on specific damages.

On April 10, 2020, we launched this new feature. “Annotation” is now available within the (desktop) Review Portal.

Here’s how it works:

After capturing photos, users visit the Case in Review Portal. Click “Add Damage” to circle damages found during the walk-around. From this point on, those damages are given an id and saved permanently. They can now be referenced in future walk-around (inspections).
Choose from a subset of AIAG Vehicle Damage Codes, then makes any comments on the specifics of the damages.

Going forward, users take photos of the vehicle, performing regular, routine walk-around on the vehicle using the mobile applications (available in Android and IOS). A red button will appear showing the vehicle has existing damages.

To view all damages within your fleet, we’ve created a new “Damage Report” under “Reports”.

The new Reports section, available for Company Admin Role.
In the Damage Report, users can review damage across the entire fleet. Filter by unit number or license plate. Then download the report to get an Excel version, including all details of the damages.

We hope “Annotation” takes our product to an entirely different level.

Please give “Annotation” a try and let us know if it helps you better identify and capture damage. It’s time to Charge the Money You’re due on Minor, Mystery DAMAGE. Never lose $$$ on Damage again!!

As always, reach out to us at with any problems, suggestions or feedback.