Annotation Feature

Many of our current and potential customers have asked for the ability to mark specific damaged areas and add comments. We call this “Annotation”.

This video below shows how Annotation works.

“Annotation” is the ability to add new damage directly to the photo position.

This is a work in progress and there are some open questions.

That’s where you come in. We’d love to hear your reactions and thoughts on:

What if a user of the app circles damage twice? We will have a unique identifier which comes up when damage is found. However, we’re not yet sure how we will make sure the circles identify damage uniquely. We don’t want to re-issue a new damage identifier in this case, rather we want to associate multiple “circles” with the same damaged area.

Where should we insert this feature into DAMAGE iD? Our current approach is to add this screen after a photo is taken. However, we don’t want to slow down the (highly optimized) walk-around experience which our users really love about our app. Of course, most of the time, new damage isn’t found, so we’ll want to provide the ability to quickly dismiss the annotation screen or prevent it from appearing if no damage is found.

Should we add Annotation to the Review Portal – or is annotation in the app sufficient? This all depends on whether customers want to change the annotations on the Review Portal. (There’s probably some benefits to approaches).

How to annotate videos? Our new video feature (launched this Spring) makes annotation slightly more complex. Should we just annotation photos, or would you be interested in annotation of videos as well? (Videos would require a timeline slider and would be a bit more complicated than with photos).

Customers (current and future) – Please send your feedback to the comments section or send an email to

We can’t wait to launch Annotation!